Group of happy female athletes


The fast-paced whirlwind of our lives, straddling the online-offline divide while juggling careers, health, families and social circles?!

It’s a modern chaotic blur — and makes a strong case for the elusive concept we all crave: balance.

If you're nodding along, step into our office! You’re why we created Project 12! 

12-minute Pilates designed to create balance in your multi-faceted day! 

Whether at home, on a lunch break, or on-the-go, our quick & effective workouts will leave you feeling strong and energised, ready to tackle life head-on.

And If you want a bit more, stack classes to craft a workout that syncs perfectly within the balance of YOUR day. 

For years We’ve been taught an ‘all or nothing’ mentality when it comes to fitness — But what if you could have everything?

Strength & mobility. maximum impact in minimal time. Progress over perfection.

Come with us and Let Project 12 be your guide to create the balance you deserve.

Modern living?

It’s Chaos

From the Library shelves